imin is proud to be working with EMD UK as it looks to launch its new Class Finder in the New Year. The product will enable consumers to easily find classes across the country, and also help local instructors to easily advertise their classes to a wider audience. This work demonstrates a commitment by the National Governing Body for Group Exercise to use and create open data in its products to help people live physically active lifestyles.
Ross Perriam, CEO of EMD UK, told Health Club Management and Sport Industry Group that they “want to make it easier for the public to find their local group exercise class options and get involved in a healthier lifestyle. We [EMD] believe that using open data is crucial to making that happen.”
The consumer-facing side of Class Finder, a class search tool, will use open data to allow people to easily find group exercise classes across the country. The search tool will utilise the imin platform, which provides augmented data from a number of open data sources including national operators such as Fusion Lifestyle, Everyone Active and GLL, as well as more local instructors who use “open” systems.
An open system is one that creates open data. This means that an instructor’s classes can be uploaded in one place and yet visible across multiple consumer-facing products. One such “open” system will be the Class Finder product.
Jade Cation, Head of Business Development at EMD UK, told Sport Industry Group that “Using Class Finder will enable instructors to get their classes seen in more places without the administrative hassle”. This is thanks to the partnership between imin and EMD UK, which enables instructors to upload their classes into Class Finder and simultaneously advertise them across other search tools that imin powers, including the Change4Life and London Sport activity finders.
When Class Finder goes live, EMD UK will be the second NGB to work with imin. Earlier in the year, Badminton England’s own search tool went live. The session finder currently enables people to find and book badminton sessions at leisure centres across the country, and this will soon allow people to make court bookings.
As a #TechForGood B2B software company that collects and augments open physical activity data, imin’s goal is to enable organisations like EMD UK, Badminton England and Public Health England to better serve their demographics and improve the health of the nation. If you want to better serve your users, do get in touch to find out how imin can help.
If you are a leisure operator or a provider of activities and want to learn more about open data and how it can benefit you, we are here to help.