November 1, 2019

imin supports Lucozade Sport to get Movers moving

imin is proud to announce it's first sports brand campaign partnership: Lucozade Sport.

Lucozade Sport's Movers List campaign brings together inspiration and motivational everyday people from across the country to share their movement story. These "Movers" range from Ultimate Frisbee clubs in Scotland to British Bulldog in London, and everything in between. When readers are inspired enough to want to try out the Mover's sport, they are directed to an imin-powered activity finder to find and book their nearest activity.

This is an exciting example of combining brand power with open data to get more people more active!

If you've developing a health, wellbeing or wellness campaign where you have an opportunity to help people to be more active, and would like to connect them with local opportunities, please get in touch to see how we're helping brands like Lucozade Sport.

Dominic Fennell

Dom is a co-founder at imin